Purchase, Music Healers of Indigenous Cultures: Shaman Jhankri and Nele (book& CD) US$24.00 + S/H $6.00 or $15.00 internationally
by Pat Moffitt Cook

In the heart of the Salish Sea in northwest Washington, Indralaya is a sanctuary of natural beauty and peace located on Orcas Island in the San Juan Islands.
Dialogues with Self and Spirit through
Sarcred Sound and Music II
August 20-23, 2015 with Pat Moffitt Cook,PhD
Through traditional methods of inner listening, toning practices and chanting- participants will discover simple, dynamic, timeless sonic tools used by healers, ancient scholars and divinely inspired holy men and women. These sound and music practices are designed to stimulate self-inquiry, personal healing and a deeper awareness of spiritual resonance. The main focus of the weekend will be to awaken ”inner-dialogs with spirit” through sacred sound and music. Each day will be a combination of demonstrations, discussions, dyad and group experientials. Participants will be encouraged to practice and explore what they have learned individually and in community.
For over 35 years, Pat is the director of the Open Ear Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She has traveled throughout the world recording and participating in musical rituals and the daily life of other cultures. She studied six and half years with a Chinese/Indonesian grand master of martial and healing arts in Indonesia and the United States. Afterwards, Cook researched and practiced musical healing with a North Indian Hindu village healer in India for over a decade. She travels extensively each year for professional research into musical and sound therapies and to study and enhance her practice in sacred sound.
San Francisco - February 2016
Auditory Stimulation Programs and Cross-Cultural Healing Music Methods
Since the 1940s, auditory stimulation has been used for the re-education of the ear. This field has grown to include methods that address listening and learning disabilities, including dyslexia, attention deficit disorders, speech problems, and poor reading comprehension and communication skills. This workshop explores the research on and clinical applications of the Tomatis Method and related auditory stimulation technologies used nationwide in learning centers, schools, clinics, and homes. The workshop includes lecture, audiovisual presentations, and demonstrations; individual, dyad, and group exercises; and discussions. Participants will learn about both indigenous and traditional cross-cultural therapeutic techniques and sound/music repertoires used in Western healthcare settings today. Emphasis will be placed on transcultural themes and the needs of a multiethnic client/patient population. Students will investigate how sound and music are used as diagnostic tools, healing agents, and connectors to spiritual domains.
Pat Moffitt Cook, PhD, FAMI, CCMHP, is the founder and director of the Open Ear Center Santa Fe, New Mexico. She has pioneered the use of cross-cultural sound and music in healthcare. Her doctoral work in music paralleled extensive training and certification in methods of auditory stimulation, sensory integration (Tomatis Method), and guided imagery and music (GIM). She is the author and producer of the book and CD, Music Healers of Indigenous Cultures: Shaman, Jhankri, and Nele; and the CD Brainwave Symphony.
Saturday and Sunday
October 4-5, 2014
The New York Open Center March 21-22, 2015
Sound and Music Institute
Indigenous Sound Healing
An immersion into the use of sound and music as diagnostic tools, healing agents and connectors to spiritual domains in indigenous and cross-cultural traditions.
Pat Moffitt Cook, PhD, is director of the Open Ear Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico. For over 35 years, Cook has traveled extensively throughout the world recording and participating in musical healing rituals and the daily life of other cultures. She is a pioneer in the field and an international teacher and clinician. Her scholarly research in music and ethnomusicology paralleled extensive training and certifications in auditory stimulation technologies including the Tomatis Method, and crosscultural music-evoked imagery methods from Asia and the United States (GIM). Pat is the author of numerous articles; Music Healers of Indigenous Cultures: Shaman, JhankrI and Nele (book and CD), and Brainwave Symphony.
March 21 - 22, 2015
Saturday & Sunday
info@opencenter.com in New York
Sound and Music Institute Program