An Open Ear Center Program
The Practice of Vedic Healing Chant
In Brussels 2022
Please contact us for 2022 Schedule
Pat Moffitt Cook, PhD
Certified Vedic Chant Teacher (Trained in South India)
This program is for all previous Open Ear Center Vedic Chant students who wish to progress with and practice Vedic Chant next year. The approach to teaching is traditional through oral transmission, repetition, and with the aid of chant-texts, transliterations and English translations from the original sanskrit. Individual mantras, chants and guidance will be given to each student.
Consists of three modules. Students must participate in the whole program. The goal is to further deepen and refine your practice. Zoom private sessions with Dr. Cook are available between modules for only those in this program and are designed to mentor and support participants in their successful practice and continued learning process. Individual guidance is part of this program and experience. All materials are provided.
Program Content –
Learn the rules of Vedic chanting
Learn and practice Vedic Healing Chants and shorter mantras
English and French translations and discussions provide the background and inquiry into the philosophical spiritual meaning of each mantra/chant
Learn applications of specific chant for individual self-health and personal growth.
Learn how to apply mantra and chant with gentle yoga movements and meditations.
Receive guidance from relevant to your practice.
Benefits -
Vedic chanting is a powerful way to integrate body, voice, mind and our emotions.
Develop mental discipline and focus
Improve memory
Regulate energy through the vestibular system & bone/air-conduction stimulation
Improve listening and communication skills
Increase breath capacity
Supports meditation by calming the mind
Facilitate deeper connections to your spiritual life and self-knowledge.
Who can register:
This course is open to individuals who have participated in the Vedic Chant program with Pat Cook. It is also open to individuals who who have expressed an interest in refining their personal chant practice after completing Cross-cultural Applications of Music in Healing 2 year program and one year of the Spiritual Health Through Sound and Music Institute with Dr. Cook.
What is required is curiosity and a desire to learn and practice Vedic Healing Chant! The benefits will reveal themselves to you. The practice promises experiences and results.
Program Cost – Includes three modules, all texts and other training materials. Private zoom lessons with Pat pertaining to your personal practice are available throughout the course of the program in 2021-22 (June-February). Please email for information and registering details.
Program Schedule:
Module I June TBA 2022
Module II November TBA,
Module III February TBA 2023
Modules: 10:00am-5:00pm
Limited to 25 participants.
Contact: openearcenter@icloud.com for information and registration form.
About the Teacher
Pat Moffitt Cook, PhD, is the founder and director of the Open Ear Center originally in Washington State (1994-2011) and Santa Fe, New Mexico 2012-2021 and announcing our return to the Beautiful Northwest Coast in early Summer 2022!. Cook is an early pioneer in the research and education of cross-cultural sound and music in healthcare, wellness and education. Her research in crosscultural musical healing paralleled with extensive training and certification in auditory stimulation and sensory integration methods including the Tomatis Method and the Listening Fitness Program (LiFT) and in cross-cultural methods using sound and music-evoked imagery for healing technologies from Southeast Asia and India. Pat is certified in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) and a Fellow of the Association of Music and Imagery (FAMI) in the United States. Pat is a certified Vedic Chant teacher from two South Indian Institutions (KYM & KHYF) in the Sri T. Krishnamacharya South Indian tradition. Cook is a certified Yoga Teacher by the Svastha Yoga Institute. She is a Cross-Cultural Musical Healing Practitioner (CCMHP) and senior trainer for the Open Ear Center now based in Seattle, Washington.